Monday, May 24, 2010

Covino Orthodontics, supporting National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

May is almost gone, but not before Dr. Covino and team recognize it as National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. Twenty-seven years ago, President Ronald Reagan encouraged Americans of all ages to include more physical activity into their lives, and the reminder is even more important today as kids everywhere are distracted more by TV, social networking or video games. Kids living an active lifestyle can - and often do - improve their health, productivity and overall well-being.

The U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services encourages people to exercise one hour every day of moderate intensity physical activity (such as playing sports or brisk walking) or one hour and 15 minutes of vigorous activity (jogging, dancing and jumping rope). At Covino Orthodontics, we always encourage our patients to stay fit by exercising or participating in sports. However, we want to remind you to always wear a mouth guard or other forms of facial protection when playing sports. To learn more about how often your child should exercise, we recommend you give us a call or check out these articles about kids and exercise, courtesy of our friends at

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